

If you like the idea of staying in a small French village with access to hundreds of miles of 'chemin vert' (green paths/routes) through the countryside, this is the place for you.  The village itself has a small shop, a boulangerie, post office and a small beauty salon. There is a local football pitch, a free library, a pretty church, and will have a bar (this is currently being renovated and I don't know when it will be ready for business.)

A short drive or longer cycle away there are swimming lakes, a contemporary art museum in a chateau, rivers for canoe trips and in the summer, village vide-greniers and festivals to enjoy.  In just over two hours, you can be in Bordeaux, or on the coast at La Rochelle.

There may not be wifi, nor a television, but there is 4G upstairs and lots of books to dip in and out of, including my precious poetry and photobook collections. There is also a big box of games, a sewing machine, a couple of bikes, a paddling pool and an icecream maker.

Retreats at The Little Barn are holidays, where time slows and you can do as much or as little as you like.  Retreats are not just for artists, they are also for my friends and family - especially friends who work in education and are normally faced with ridiculous rental prices during the school holidays. I hope to welcome many of you, dear, harried teacher pals to the barn over the coming years.

The Little Barn is currently available from May to October. However, this will extend once a woodburner is installed (when I can decide where it should go). For retreats there is a minimum stay of five nights.  All I ask is that you donate a small amount to cover the cost of electricity, water and insurance.  If you want to add a little extra to help support the residency programme, then you would be most welcome to put a few euros 'in the jar' when you leave.

The Little Barn is my home, shared willingly with those who would benefit from some peace and quiet. I ask all guests for the obvious - to respect everything in the house, to greet the  neighbours with a smile and to enjoy the beautiful French countryside and all it has to offer. Thank you.

Do get in touch if you are interested in coming to stay.  Email:

Thank you to Gareth Phillips for the photograph of the courtyard.  May 2023.