
As this is my home and is not yet registered as an Association, all events at The Little Barn are private, invitation only affairs. The idea is that my artist friends will offer the community something in exchange for staying and working in TLB and this can be anything they choose, from an exhibition, to a talk, a workshop, a guided walk - anything, as long as it might be of interest to the people of Vayres and other artists within the area.

Events are free. At some point, I might be brave enough to invite donations for the residency fund.

Our first event was a simple vernissage for Gareth Phillips. We had photobooks, family, friends, neighbours, wine, homemade food and it was all rather fabulous. 

There is always something joyful about bringing together good people to experience art. Gareth ended up speaking to the steady stream of visitors for almost four hours, non-stop. 

When I am in situ, the gallery space is open to receive visitors who want to spend some time with work left by an artist in residence and/or my photobook library.  Visitors are welcome to come, to look, to sit, to read, to think, to talk photography or life - whatever they want.

On July 13th, we held our first, 'Pop in' event.  Part of the vision for The Little Barn is to be open for the community. This could be a vernissage, a talk, a photo walk - anything really. When the resident or visiting artists are not here, then I will open the space up to those who are interested enough to pop in to see some work/look at some books/have a chat. There will always be tea and coffee on offer and you never know, there might just be wine too.

In July we had a 'Pop in' and it  was lovely to meet some new fans of photography and art (including a curator, two journalists and an ex-arts editor) and to have conversations around the place of photography in contemporary life.  It turns out that there are quite a lot of artists in the area and I am really looking forward to meeting as many of them as I can and welcoming them into The Little Barn.

Unexpected bonuses came in the form fresh eggs, a couple of books and a really great stove for the camper from one of the couples too. Awesome.

We welcomed in August, 2023 with our third event -  a talk by Marc Wilson about his incredible project, 'A Wounded Landscape'. 

To find out more about the project and the event itself, please go to the 'Artist's Talks' section.  I hope that we will have more talks next year.